01 Jul

Aside from restoring your smile, dental implants also help to preserve your jawbone. When a tooth is lost, natural bone erosion begins, which results in the loss of other teeth and a "sunken" appearance of the face. Dental implants integrate with your jawbone to provide the necessary stimulation to keep the jawbone from deteriorating. Moreover, dental implants restore the natural function of your teeth, helping you to chew and speak properly. 

The initial surgery should be relatively painless, although some bleeding may occur at the site of the implant. Your dentist may prescribe a pain-relieving medication for you to take during this time. During the first few days following surgery, you should limit your diet to soft foods. You may be required to have stitches removed. However, self-dissolving stitches can be used instead. Your dentist will provide you with an estimated timeframe for the treatment. Dental implants can be placed in the upper or lower jaw. However, before they can be placed, your dentist must first identify the anatomic landmarks of your jaw and teeth. This is accomplished by taking a CT scan. 

The scan will determine the width of existing bone and teeth, as well as the ideal location for the implant. In addition, your dentist will use computer tomography scans to help determine which implant is best for you. And, of course, you'll need to visit your dentist regularly. Get extra resources here! There are many benefits of dental implants. In addition to restoring your smile, they can be used to replace a single tooth or a full set. Implants do not have to be used for every tooth; a lower denture can be supported by two implants. A full set of teeth can be provided with four implants. Dental implants are generally well tolerated by most patients. Over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medications and ice can help you recover from the surgery. 

Discover more facts about dentist at http://www.huffingtonpost.com/richard-schechtman-dds/good-orthodontic_b_6610164.html. Currently, dental implants are available in three forms. Single-stage dental implants involve the surgical placement of a longer implant on the jaw bone. Following this, the gum tissue is then closed so that the implant healing cap can be exposed. This procedure makes it possible to attach a temporary restoration without the need for minor surgery to expose the implant head. Another implant option is the subperiosteal implant, which is placed on the jaw bone in a cavity beneath the gum tissue. The metal implant post is exposed. The purpose of this type of dental implant is to secure dentures in patients with insufficient bone height. 

Be sure to view here for more details! However, dental implants are not without risks. Implant failure is possible for many reasons, including poor oral hygiene, implant placement, traumatic facial trauma, and smoking. These risks are mitigated with good oral hygiene and careful follow-up by a qualified implantologist. And while the success rate varies from person to person, overall, a high percentage of patients are satisfied with the results. So, if you think that dental implants might be the right option for you, take the time to discuss the procedure with your dentist.

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